
Fans of David Archuleta united to make a difference thru his music


When we first heard David mention “Invisible Children”, we assumed it was one of many causes dedicated to the plight of the children of Africa. We were partly right, but what we didn’t know was that it wasn’t about AIDS or poverty or hunger … but that of hundreds of little kids abducted and forcibly turned into child soldiers.

What we discovered upon visiting the site, was eye-opening… and disturbing. We can vouch we’ve never noticed any of the atrocities being mentioned in the dailies, rightly justifying a statement on the website that the war terrors in Uganda is the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world today.

In short – one of the longest raging war spanning more than two decades, during which 30,000 children have been abducted and forced into a gun-toting life of violence as child soldiers. All by one highly-charismatic and cult-like figure – Joseph Kony – who leads the LRA (Lords Resistance Army)…. a pointless rebellion movement that has since started to terrorise beyond the Ugandan borders, into neighbouring Congo, Sudan and Central African Republic.


While many of us may not be able to participate in their very innovative movements such as The Rescue, we can – in our little way – help to fund their efforts by making a straightforward online donation, or by purchasing their merchandise such as the bracelets worn by David.

At OneDavid, we try to make it even simpler for everyone who wants to do their little part to support a cause so close to David’s heart – by putting together localised campaigns and coordinating all your donation efforts. And hopefully, it will make that difference and bring all the child soldiers a step closer to returning home, and to the childhood innocence that all children deserves.

View “The Rescue Aftermath” video here.

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